Sunday, December 25, 2011

New Toy

Yesterday, I bought a used Epic 4G Touch.  I actually bought one on launch day, but returned it, because the radio was weak.  I guess they have pushed some updates since launch, because it is awesome!  I love the large screen, and TouchWiz 4.0 is pretty good.  I can't wait for the ICS update.  I also have a Nexus S 4G, an HTC Arrive, and an iPhone 4S.


I sure hope Google approves my AdSense account, so I can start making money on YouTube!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Well, it's finally Friday.
I just got back from lunch. I made a roast beef sandwich that was delicious. I gave Subway a run for it's

My DVR is full of shows that I need to watch. I need to watch the veto and elimination episodes of Big Brother. I also need to watch last/current weeks ATL housewives.

Tonight should be a good night.

P.S. I made my first car payment today. It was a little painful.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Monday Evening

Well, it's evening time, and the weather is cool. I have the door open, and I'm watching Millionaire. My dog is layed out on the couch like he is people.


Well, it's Monday afternoon, and the day has gone very well so far.
I'm at work and glad there's a place to call work.

I don't know what I'm gonna have for dinner, but I'm sure it will be good.

When my boss gets back, I'm going to go home and let my dog out and eat lunch.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time to wind it down

Overall, it's been a good day.

I'm now gonna walk the dog, take a shower and brush my teeth.
I hope this work week turns out well.

Goodnight all.

A Visit To See Mother

Mother's cell phone broke a few days ago, and she called me to tell me. I started looking through my collection to see if I had a replacement phone I could give up. I didn't, so I went and bought a used on off Craigslist. I left home around 12:30 PM this afternoon, and I arrived at mother's house to give it to her and show her how to use it.

She was ever so grateful to have a phone that did not have a blank white screen.

I didn't stay long. After arriving home, I crashed on the couch.